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About Us

What does GW-NSW do?

  • Awards scholarships, bursaries and awards to women students
  • Supports education for women locally and overseas
  • Holds membership in state women’s organisations
  • Organises forums for discussion and lectures
  • Administers state business
  • Provides networking and social interaction
  • Approaches governments on matters of women’s education and well-being – Please see under menu heading Advocacy

Graduate Women NSW supports the work of the national body Australian Graduate Women Inc.
Membership to AGW Inc is additional to GW-NSW.

The GW NSW (GWI) Lamp logo origins
The lamp in our logo was initiated by members of the Norwegian Federation for the Third International Federation of University Women (IFUW) Conference in Oslo in 1924. The delegates adopted it as the permanent badge of IFUW now renamed GWI (and thus GW). The antique lamp represents the light of learning and the original logo featured an interlinked chain symbolizing the bonds of friendship linking IFUW (GWI) members throughout the world. Eventually the lamp came to be known as the ‘lamp of friendship’.