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LETTER written by Dr Hilary Yerbury to  Dr Jim Chalmers, Federal Treasurer commending the government on their decisions to lower indexation of HECS/HELP debts and to pay students in teaching, nursing and social work. 


Advocacy LETTER written by President, Tricia Blombery congratulating Scientia Professor Michelle Simmons AO on winning the Prime Minister’s Science Prize.

Advocacy letters written by President, Tricia Blombery congratulating women on their recent appointments. LETTER of congratulations to Distinguished Professor Genevieve Bell AO recently appointed as 13th Vice Chancellor and President of ANU. LETTER of congratulations to The Hon Patricia Forsythe AM recently appointed Chancellor of The University of Newcastle.

RESPONSE from Distingushed Professor Genevieve Bell AO to to President Tricia Blombery’s letter of congratulations on her appointment.

SUBMISSION to the Universities Accord Report by Dr Hilary Yerbury, Education Convenor.

Many women were elected and re-elected to office in the recent NSW state elections. President Tricia Blombery wrote to each of them with a letter of congratulations. LETTER of thanks from Hon. Steph Cooke MP, Member for Cootamundra. LETTER of thanks from the Hon. Jodie Harrison MP, Minister for Women, Minister for Seniors, Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. LETTER of thanks from the Hon Penny Sharpe MCL, Minister for Climate change, Minister for Energy, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Heritage.

The Early Years Strategy submission and a submission to the Australian Universities Accord, both prepared by Education Convenor, Dr Hilary Yerbury. 

LETTER to Mr Nick Hockley, CEO of Cricket Australia, from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury, acknowledging the action of Cricket Australia in support of education for girls and women in Afghanistan.


LETTER to Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education, from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury regarding the commencement of the Australian Universities Accord process – a 12-month review of Australia’s higher education system, led by a panel of eminent Australians.

RESPONSE from Minister for the Environment The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, to President Tricia Blombery’s letter of congratulations on her appointment.

RESPONSE from the office of Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education, to Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury and President ‘Tricia Blombery’s letters regarding post-school education opportunities for women and the impact of the student contribution increases in humanities and social sciences subjects on female students.

LETTER to Hon Dr Anne Aly MP newly appointed Minister for Early Childhood Education from President Tricia Blombery congratulating her on her appointment and Letter from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury on the government’s Early Years Strategy. RESPONSE from the Minister. 

LETTER to the Hon Matthew Keane, NSW Treasurer, from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury, on the government’s announcement of the Early Years Strategy of early childhood education. 

The May federal election succeeded in bringing many more women into government and also more women into cabinet than ever before. President ‘Tricia Blombery has been busy writing letters of congratulation and also introduction to GW-NSW. 

Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney, (see her Response) Minister for the Environment Tanya Plibersek, Education Minister Jason Clare, Skills and Training Minister Brendon O’Connor, Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland (see Response), Minister for Regional Development, Local Governmenr and Territories, Kristy McBain (see Response), successful Women Senators, Deputy National Leader, Perin Davey, (see Response) and to all women elected in NSW. Please see a response from the Office of The Hon Senator Katy Gallagher, and Susan Templeman MP.

LETTER to The Hon. Alister Henskens, Minister for Skills and Training, from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury, on the importance of TAFE as an educational pathway for women and girls, supporting its future funding and a request for more reflection of women in its promotion and advertising. Please find the RESPONSE from The Hon Alister Henskens SC MP, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology and Minister for Skills and Training, and a further Letter from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury.

LETTER to the Minister for Education and the recently Acting Minister, from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury, on the issue of political interference in the ARC funding processes.



Letter to the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, leader of the Opposition, from Education Convenor Dr Hilary Yerbury, commending Labour on its promise to fund up to 20,000 additional university places and 465,000 free TAFE places in areas of skills shortages if elected. 
Letter to the Attorney General Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash from President ‘Tricia Blombery raising concerns about the Religious Discrimination Bill, to be tabled in parliament, and its implications for the safety, security and support of women. RESPONSE from the Attorney General’s Department.



Letter to Hon Alan Tudge MP, Federal Minister for Education congratulating him on his appointment and outlining concerns over changes to the education sector. RESPONSE from Hon Alan Tudge MP.
Letter to Hon Dan Tehan MP, Federal Minister for Education, regarding recent changes to the University sector –  RESPONSE from Hon Dan Tehan MP, Federal Minister for Education, RESPONSE from Shadow Minister for Education and Training, Hon Tanya Plibersek MP.


Letter to Human Rights Commission President, Professor Gillian Triggs, from AFGW Federal President Madeleine Laming, regarding the treatment of and education provision to children of asylum seekers in detention.
Letter to Premier regarding the Premier’s funding of the Sir Roden Cutler John Monash Scholarship – NSW Premier’s Award. 
Letter to Premier Mike Baird raising concerns about recently released figures on victims of domestic violence and the call for adequate support through women’s refuges. (March 2015)
RESPONSE from the Premier’s Office. Page 1 and Page 2
Email response to AFGW NSW concerns over State government’s raising TAFE fees and its impact on women wishing to study in NSW.
Letter to Professor Adams, Head of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment at the University of Sydney regarding feedback from the regional sector on agriculture graduates. (06.14)
Letter to NSW Premier Mr Mike Baird on transforming NSW policy and the creation of apprentice roles in the state (1.06.14)
Letter to Hon. Scott Morrison Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (30.05.14)
Response from the Minister’s Office – Page 1 & Page 2 (01.09.14)
Letter to Greens MP Mr John Kaye regarding cuts to TAFE and the proposed bill in the Upper House (15.06.14)
Letter to Mr Adrian Piccoli NSW Minister for Education regarding AFGW NSW concerns over proposed cuts to TAFE (21.11.13)
Letter to the NSW Premier over AFGW NSW concerns regarding proposed cuts to TAFE (23.10.13)
Letter from then Premier Mr Barry O’Farrell responding to a letter supporting Gonski reforms (3.5.13)
Letter from General Manager, Strategic Information and Reporting NSW Education & Communities, in response to AFGW NSW raising the issue of the importance of appropriate gender analysis being done by the new Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation. (01.10.12)