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City Branch



Members of City Branch believe in tertiary education for women, lifelong learning, peace, justice and equality for all.

The Branch’s purpose has been to promote and encourage the education of women through awards, scholarships and active participation in GW-NSW. Many City Branch members have been and are GW-NSW Executives.

The Branch

The Branch has luncheon meetings and events, e.g. The Autumn Sunset Cocktail Party – to raise funds for several student awards through Sydney TAFEs.

The City Branch is a committed group of women who believe strongly in the ideal and ethos of the GW-NSW movement. The members wish to see GW-NSW gather in strength so as to continue its work of encouraging female students of all abilities to make the most of their chances.

Sydney Uni Small


In line with our philosophy to encourage the pursuit of higher education of female students, scholarships are awarded to TAFE students undergoing the Tertiary Preparation Certificate. This course provides opportunity to those who have not followed the Higher School Certificate pathway to gain entry to university.

The colleges whose students receive the awards are chosen by the members. The recipients of the awards are at the discretion of the lecturers.

City Branch also supports the GW-NSW National Council of Women Australia Day Award and Project for Action.

President, City Branch: Christine Jennett