We’re pleased to announce the GW-NSW Award at this year’s National Council of Women NSW’s ‘Celebrate Being Australian Event’, was presented to History student Siobhan Ryan. Siobhan graduated with First Class Hons and the University Medal in History. Her work traverses several disciplines and her prize winning publication in the journal of the ‘Australia New Zealand American History Society’ has already attracted international interest.
Siobhan’s History Honours thesis was entitled, ‘Clearing some 35 acres of slum”: Darlington, the University of Sydney, and the Right to the City, 1958–1975′. It interrogates the University of Sydney’s destruction of the working-class community of Darlington from the 1950s, an area populated by WWII immigrants and refugees. She hopes to complete a PhD in the history of education, combining her interest in social justice, academia and history.
We wish Siobhan well with her continued work and study, and look forward to staying in touch with her progress. We also congratulate all the wonderful women students receiving recognition at the event.