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Membership Form

Complete and submit the Online Form below, or else click for the PDF version to print/mail.

I wish to apply for membership of the Graduate Women NSW Inc:

Title (Ms, Miss, Mrs, Dr):
Given Names:
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
Home Phone Number:
Mobile Phone Number:
Details of your Degrees / Awards / Honours:
Degree/Award/Hons Institution Year Applicable Surname
My professional/general interests:
I would like to join a Branch:
Branch: Membership Fee:
Membership Fee $40.00 – for the financial year 1 July to 30 June (If you join after 1st April, you will be financial until 30 June the following year)
Tick if you require a receipt
Tax deductible donations to the GW-NSW Inc Education Trust may be included in your payment. Your generous donation assists GW-NSW in supporting women in education. Receipts will be provided for all donations. My tax deductible Education Trust donation is:
If paying by cheque or requesting a posted Newsletter – please add $5 to your payment. Cheques should be made payable and sent to: GW-NSW Inc LG Floor, 280 Pitt St
Sydney NSW 2000
Or Online Payment (include your details) to: ANZ Bank
BSB: 012 670
Account #: 300 706 398